Interested in joining the Board?

Serving on the Board for The Cooperative School is a very rewarding experience as you can really make a difference for all of the children of the two schools and the community of 90 families each year. Additionally, you will gain a unique perspective into a well-established, non-profit educational organization.

The Board member term is three years with a possibility to extend in one-year increments with the approval of the Board. Almost every year the Board has vacancies and welcomes professionals from all walks of life – finance, marketing, education, legislation, HR and more. We meet monthly and communicate through email as needed. Each member serves on at least two of the subcommittees: Finance, Strategic Planning, Governance, Fundraising, Marketing, Events, The Nature School, and/or Director Services.

Role of the Board

Individual Board Member Responsibilities:

To let us know that you are interested to serve on the Board, we ask that you write a letter sharing your interest and what you can offer to the school community in terms of interests and expertise. Please send your letter of interest to: or you can talk to the Executive Director to learn more about the opportunity to serve on the Board.