Family Info
Families play an integral role in our school
"The level of communication is great! We appreciate daily interaction, the ability to send messages through Parent Square (with prompt responses)"
- Nature School Parent, 2022
The Cooperative Nature School views families as partners who play a critical role in the success of their child and the success of the program. Like our sister school, the Sharon Coop, the Nature School provides many opportunities for family engagement. Additionally, our parent run board of directors plays a pivotal role in establishing school policies, managing its finances and fulfilling the vision of the school's founders to encourage parents to be active participants in their children's preschool years.

Family Goals at the Nature School:
- To cultivate a network of families, creating a community linked by friendship, respect and children through participation and family events.
- To learn about and share the irreplaceable natural and cultural treasures we care for.
- To partner with families in collaboration with others across the Commonwealth to preserve the quality of life in our communities and with it, the special places that make this the place we want to call home.
Family Engagement Opportunties *
Visiting days
New Parent Orientation
Back to School Night
Parent Workshops
Room Parents
Parent Teacher Conferences (twice yearly)
Mystery Readers
Around the World Night
Show What You Know
End of the Year Celebrations
*Due to COVID, some events are held virtually or outdoors